EA for Proposed Construction, Ted Stevens International Airport, Alaska

Client: Federal Aviation Administration

Location: Anchorage, AK

Completion Year: 2023

Scope of Work:

  • Environmental Assessment
  • Demolition

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) proposed to construct a new Air Traffic Control Tower (ATCT) and Terminal Radar Approach Control Facilities (TRACON) and demolish the existing ATCT/TRACON at Ted Stevens International Airport (AIA). To accommodate the new ATCT/TRACON, the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (ADOT&PF) would relocate a portion of the small aircraft parking apron and tie-down area. The existing ATCT/TRACON serves both the airport and the Lake Hood Seaplane Base (LHSB). Operations and expansions at Ted Stevens AIA have outgrown the current ATCT/TRACON, which is now inadequate for the airport due to restricted visibility, and insufficient tower height and cab size. The alternative to the Proposed Action is the No Action Alternative.

Projects requiring a federal action, such as funding or approval, must prepare a statement as to the projects’ environmental impacts. Brice was awarded a contract to perform an Environmental Assessment (EA) to fulfill this requirement. The purpose of an EA under the National Environmental Policy Act 1969 (NEPA) is to provide sufficient evidence and analysis for determining whether to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) or a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for a project. An EA must discuss the purpose and need for the Proposed Action and alternatives, as well as their environmental impacts.

Brice assigned a project management team to manage cost and schedule and maintain open and fluid communications with the FAA, and coordinated the project Kickoff meeting/Scoping Meeting, scheduled project progress meetings and prepared and updated the project schedule. Upon award, Brice scheduled an initial site visit prior to the Kickoff/Scoping Meeting to become familiar with the project site and surrounding area and establish baseline conditions for the assessment.

Brice prepared an EA in accordance with NEPA and FAA policies and guidance. We prepared a Preliminary Draft EA for FAA review, which was submitted electronically. In addition, a comment tracking sheet was submitted with the Preliminary Draft EA to document comments and responses to comments for the Administrative File and Record (AF/AR). Upon resolution of comments, the Draft EA was prepared for public review. We prepared the Notice of Availability (NOA) on behalf of the FAA, to be published in the local newspaper for a one week run. Two hard copies of the Draft EA were placed at a local library. In addition, based on the status of the COVID-19 pandemic and updated NEPA regulations, we discussed with the FAA placing electronic versions of the Draft EA on online repositories, such as the local library’s website and/or public site pages on ANC and FAA websites. We coordinated with the FAA regarding distribution of the Draft EA to identified stakeholders.

Brice scheduled a conference call with the FAA to discuss comments received and document the responses for the AF/AR. The Final EA and Finding of No Significant Impact/Record of Decision (FONSI/ROD) was then prepared for FAA review and an additional public review/comment period, which followed the same protocol as the Draft EA.